Monday, October 8, 2007


I have had a headache since last night. Last night I took 3 advil. Nothing. I was up every few hours during the night and my headache was still there. This morning I took 3 extra strength tylenol. I then decided perhaps it was allergies, so I took a claritin. Nothing. The one thing that helped more than any other was my large Dunkin' Donuts coffee. Now I have known that I have a psychological addiction to DDs, as recently I unintentionally left eggs hard boiling on the stove while I went to get my DDs fix. The only way I even knew I left them was the sound of the water sizzling when I returned home. Scary. But do I have a physiological addiction, too? Perhaps. Or perhaps not. The DDs coffee did not completely alleviate my headache, so there is still hope. To be continued...

1 comment:

veronique said...

i am addicted to julie. if i don't see her my brain goes caplooey!